Araniella inconspicua (Simon, 1874)

Occurrence: Araniella inconspicua lives in the forest edges. It is rare species, we find it in separated areas. Description: Its elongated abdomen is green and does not have any black spots on the sides. Adult females can grow to about 7 mm. Period of occurrence: The adults are common from April to July. Web: Araniella inconspicua builds its small strong web of about 1 to 2 meters above the ground. It responds to a prey soon. The nest and the signal thread can miss. The Orb-weaver mostly sits in the central area of its web. Food: It hunts small flying insects.

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Petr Beneš

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Radek Šich

photo: Radek Šich

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

© Araneidae-cz