Zygiella montana (C. L. Koch, 1834)

Occurrence: Zygiella montana lives in mountain forests and also on bridges, buildings and fences. These spiders can form colonies. Description: It has gray, round abdomen, in the middle is dark marking (folium) with central white stripe. Sternum is brown or black. An adult female can grow to about 9 mm. Period of occurrence: Adults are seen all the year. Web: Zygiella montana weavs dense, strong web about 10 cm in diameter. The spider reacts to a prey soon. Signal thread is connected with nest lined with dense fiber. In area of web, where the signal thread is, there is a missing sector. We can’t find these spiders sitting on their webs during the day. Food: Zygiella montana hunts small flying insects.

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photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Václav Kroc

photo: Václav Kroc

photo: Václav Kroc

photo: Václav Kroc

photo: Václav Kroc

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Václav Kroc

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

photo: Kryštof Rückl

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